14 October 2012


Here's a selection of recent research articles related to plant conservation.

Developing biodiverse plantings suitable for changing climatic conditions 1: Underpinning scientific methods, by Booth and Williams, Ecological Management and Restoration.

Developing biodiverse plantings suitable for changing climatic conditions 2: Using the Atlas of Living Australia, by Booth, Williams and Belbin, Ecological Management and Restoration.

Does managed coastal realignment create saltmarshes with ‘equivalent biological characteristics’ to natural reference sites? by Mossman, Davy and Grant, Journal of Applied Ecology.

Long-term stock grazing management in Travelling Stock Reserves and influence on conservation values. by Spooner and Morris, Ecological Management and Restoration.

Overestimating Population Sizes of Rare Clonal Plants. by Tepedino, Conservation Biology

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