29 July 2013

RESOURCES in plant conservation

Nature Hub: a new website for organisations, groups and individuals working in the volunteer conservation sector in Southern Tasmania.

Weedfutures: a new Australian weed website providing a decision support tool to help determine current and future weed threats.

Landcare social media manual. Landcare Australia recently launched a social media manual to help groups get the most out of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The manual is for members of the Landcare community who are thinking about starting to use social media, or who have been using it for a while but would like to learn more. Also be useful for other organisations and groups.

Carbon Farming Initiative webinar on how to conduct an environmental planting project.

Wet Tropics World Heritage Area - e Bulletin. The Wet Tropics Management Authority recently launched a Learning Landscape eBulletin that showcases current and emerging Wet Tropics research and related land management and policy issues.

Would you like to promote your website, resource, report, book, newsletter or tool? Send suggestions to projects (at) anpc.asn.au

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